Logistics hub plan refused

An outline planning application for a new logistics hub at St Johns, Enderby, has been rejected by Blaby District Council planning committee members.
The decision was made to refuse permission for the Enderby Logistics Hub at the meeting on Thursday 5 October.
The application, from the Drummond Estate and Inverock Trust, included plans for four warehouses, offices, gatehouses and, potentially, a training and education centre.
The hub would have been used as a storage and distribution centre with new access off Leicester Lane.
The site had been assessed and earmarked for employment use during the last local plan accepted in 2019.
However, after lengthy discussion and representations from objectors as well as the applicant, planning committee councillors decided to reject the proposal.
Councillor Lee Breckon, Chairman of the planning committee, said: "While the recommendation from officers was for approval, Councillors were not satisfied with the proposals before them and the potential impact on the local community. Disappointingly, the majority decision was to refuse the application."
The application can be viewed at Search for Applications using reference 19/0164/OUT
Councillor Lee Breckon
Chairman of the Planning Committee