Leader highlights Rail Freight concerns

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The Leader of Blaby District Council has written to the company behind the Hinckley Rail Freight Interchange project, highlighting concerns about the current consultation.

Councillor Terry Richardson has sent a letter to Tritax Symmetry after a presentation to Blaby District Councillors and the launch of the public consultation. In the letter, Cllr Richardson raises an issue that proposed transport modelling within the consultation has not been agreed by the Highways Agency.

In addition to highways issues, no agreement has been reached on mitigation measures that would be required to offset the impact that the scheme would have on surrounding communities. This includes the impact on the barrier downtime at Narborough Railway Station.

With these concerns and a number of issues outstanding Cllr Richardson asks that a further consultation is undertaken if there are substantial changes to the proposal to allow full public input for all of those concerned.

Read the full letter sent to Tritax

Blaby District Council is a statutory consultee for the Hinckley Rail Freight Interchange project and will be looking at all the information to make a thorough consultation response.

Residents can complete the public consultation on the Hinckley Rail Freight Interchange website (this consultation is now closed).

26 January 2022