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Households are invited to join a solar technology group-buying scheme to save on green energy installation
Contractors will be at John's Court car park in Blaby village as work starts on the new toilets site
Residents who want to air their views on the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange scheme are urged to register their interest by 23 June
Sign up to our latest energy auction to see if you could save money on your energy bills
A new bitesize leaflet on safeguarding has been devised to help Parish and Town Councils keep residents from harm
A landowner who repeatedly flouts planning rules has been fined again for failing to comply with a Council notice
A 15 m high 5G mast will be installed near a busy junction in Braunstone despite Council concerns on visibility and obstruction issues
The public are now able to register their interest and make initial representations on plans for the 662-acre Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange
Local groups are urged to apply for funding from our latest round of community grants as we open for applications for 2023-24
Voters turning out for the District and Parish elections this Thursday are being reminded they will need to show an accepted form of photo ID at the polling station