Whetstone Pastures
The District Council and the landowners of Whetstone Pastures continue to engage in discussions in connection with their shared aim to create a mixed-use community at the site following the proposed project being awarded Garden Village status by the Government and in response to the joint submission made to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
We will consider these issues in the context of the emerging Local Plan and, in turn, we will assess if they are able to set out clear expectations as to how any potential development will take shape.
This engagement extends to the further assessment of the scheme in parallel to the local plan process. The site does not currently have any status in the adopted Local Plan, nor has a planning application been received for the site.
The emerging Local Plan, being considered by the Planning Policy and Strategy team, is assessing the merits of the site as one of a number of options to deliver development in the District during the next local plan period.
Proposals will be considered by the Strategic Growth team to ensure that, if the site was to be considered an acceptable allocation, any scheme that comes forward would offer the highest quality sustainable outcome for existing residents of the District and future residents of the development itself.
Whilst it is recognised by the Council that the principle of the development has not been established, it is considered important to take every opportunity to influence the development during these important early stages to ensure that any allocation will deliver the best possible scheme.
As such, this input is provided independently of the Local Plan review that is currently taking place.