Monitoring and Land Availability

Monitoring is important to understand the effectiveness of policies that have been implemented. The progress of the Local Plan and the effectiveness of the policies within it are monitored through the following documents.

Authority Monitoring Report

We are required to produce an Authority Monitoring Report as part of the Local Plan. The report should contain information about the implementation of the Local Development Scheme, and the extent to which the milestones in the scheme are being achieved. The report should monitor the performance and effects of Local Plan policies and cover the period from 01 April to 31 March each year.

Residential Land Availability

The Residential Land Availability is produced on an annual basis and monitors the number of planning permissions for residential units around the District, as well as those under construction and completed. The information is used to inform the Authority Monitoring Report, as well as the calculation of the five-year supply of housing within the District.

Employment Land Availability

The Employment Land Availability is produced on an annual basis and provides a list of employment sites which are allocated for employment uses in the adopted Blaby District Local Plan or have planning permission, and where development has commenced or has been completed since the previous survey. This document also lists any significant losses of employment land to other land uses.

Last updated 16 September 2020
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