Due to essential maintenance, some online services will be unavailable from 5.30pm to 7.30pm on Monday 10 February. List of services

Community Grants

The Blaby District Council Community Grants scheme is open for 2024-25. The scheme supports the local voluntary and community sector (VCS) to develop and strengthen community facilities and activities for the benefit of Blaby District residents. We offer the following grants to suit different project types:

  • Capital Green Grants - up to £4,000 (20% match funding required)
  • Large Capital Grants - up to £4,000 (50% match funding required)
  • Small Capital Grants - up to £500
  • Revenue Grants - up to £500
  • Everyone Active Grants - up to £500

We have made some changes to the criteria for this year. You can read a summary of these below. However, you should also read the full guidance notes available to download from this webpage.

Summary of changes for 2024-25 Grants Scheme
  • Schools, Academies and Academy Trusts are no longer eligible to apply to the scheme. PTA and fundraising groups can still apply for projects as long as they are not considered the statutory responsibility of the school/academy
  • There are restrictions on applications from churches and faith-based organisations. They can only apply for either capital grants relating to distinct community spaces/halls open to the whole community, or revenue grants that relate to community events/activities open to all, irrespective of faith
  • Patient Participation Groups are not eligible to apply
  • Applicants who apply in a consecutive year are only likely to receive funding if the application demonstrates a high level of need, as well as strong outcomes from the proposed project and a clear long-term plan for the organisation’s sustainability
  • Green capital grants will be given priority over regular Capital Grants in the same grant round
  • We will not support applications for projects that are conditional on another project/works for which all funding and consents are not already in place
  • Special priority criteria remain in place relating to organisations or projects impacted by high energy and fuel costs and cost of living challenges. Impacts from the pandemic have been removed from the special priority criteria
  • Applicants can apply for a Revenue Grant to support running a Warm Space in rounds 2 and 3 only. Any grants awarded for Warm Spaces will be for a shorter funding period of six months during Winter. It is the only time that organisations are eligible to apply for a second grant in the same financial year
  • We have introduced word or character limits to some questions requiring narrative responses
  • All applications must contribute to at least one of the strategic themes within the new Blaby Plan

Visit our web page for further information on the new Blaby District Plan

Going Green - Online session about Green Grants

We are running a special information session to focus on green grant applications. This will cover:

  • What our Green Grant offers
  • Ideas for green projects your organisation could consider
  • What the benefits are of going green
  • Things to consider when planning your project
  • Other sources of green funding

The session will be delivered jointly by the Council’s Funding and Awards Officer and Net Zero Programme Deliver Officer. This is an online meeting on Tuesday 4 February at 12-1pm on MS Teams. Advanced booking is required. To book your place and receive details of how to join the meeting email vcshub@blaby.gov.uk

Grant deadlines

We will hold four grant rounds during 2024-25. The remaining deadline for applications is:

  • Friday 7 March 2025 at 5pm

The grant panel usually meets within two weeks of the grant deadline and applicants are notified within a further week.

Who can apply?

Our grants scheme is open to applications from a range of VCS organisations:

  • Community groups, youth clubs and sports clubs
  • Registered Charities
  • Social Enterprises (such as Community Interest Companies)
  • PTA/fundraising groups can apply for projects that are not the statutory responsibility of the School/Academy/Trust
  • Churches/Religious bodies can only apply for either capital grants relating to distinct community spaces/halls open to the whole community, or revenue grants that relate to community events/activities open to all, irrespective of faith

Organisations can only be awarded one grant per financial year (April-March) and may only apply for one grant at a time. However, an organisation is only likely to be awarded funding in a consecutive year if the application demonstrates a high level of need, as well as strong outcomes from the proposed project and a clear long-term plan for the organisation’s sustainability.

How to apply

The same application form is used for all of the different grants. You can apply to the grants scheme online using the button below.

You will need to provide some supporting documents as listed below when you apply, so please have these ready to upload. If you apply online and you want to save your application as you go, you will need to log in using your My Account. We strongly recommend that you log in and save your work regularly when using the online application to avoid your session timing out. It also means we will be able to retrieve your application if you experience any problems. You may find it helpful to download the Application Questions document at the bottom of this webpage before you begin. You will receive a confirmation email and reference number upon successful submission of an online application. For more information and to register for My Account visit the My Account web page.

If you would prefer to submit your application by email or post, please use the contact form at the bottom of this web page to request an application pack. Completed forms should be sent to the Funding and Awards Officer, Council Offices, Desford Road, Narborough LE19 2EP or email grants@blaby.gov.uk. If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your application within a few working days, please contact the Funding and Awards Officer on 0116 272 7566 to ensure receipt.

To be eligible, applicants must have the following in place and provide copies with their application:

  • A governing document (for example, Constitution or Articles of Association)
  • An equality policy/statement (if not included within the governing document)
  • A child safeguarding policy and/or vulnerable adults’ policy (if applicable)
  • A statement for each bank/savings accounts held in your organisation’s name (dated within the last three months)
  • The organisation’s most recent set of accounts
  • Three quotes for any single items or works over the value of £1,000 (if applicable)
  • Evidence of any consents/permissions in order for the project to take place, for example, Planning Permission, Advertising Consent or Landowner Consent (if applicable) These must be secured before the application is submitted
  • Where the project involves alterations to land or buildings, the applicant must provide evidence of ownership or a written agreement/lease with at least five years remaining (if applicable)

We expect all grant recipients to comply with periodic checks and complete our monitoring forms halfway through and at the end of their project, including providing copies of invoices showing the expenditure on the project. Our standard terms and conditions can be found in the main community grants scheme guidance notes.

Case studies

Read about how the scheme has helped other organisations and what they think about the grants process:

Enderby Life Church's Mission:Foodbank - Revenue Grant

Enderby Life Church's Mission:Foodbank provides emergency support to those in need, irrespective of faith, with the aim of helping residents to get back on their feet in the longer-term and to eradicate food poverty. They have seven collection points for public donations and work with local businesses to redistribute surplus food. They also visit local schools and groups to champion recycling and waste reduction. The foodbank was awarded a £500 Revenue Grant in June 2024. 

Julianna Holt, Foodbank Coordinator, says: “We are extremely grateful to have been awarded £500 from Blaby District Council's Community Grants Scheme. This money is to help fund the fuel costs of our foodbank van, which is an essential part of the services we provide; it not only enables us to reach those in isolated communities or those who don't have any transport options to visit the foodbank in person, it also gives us the means to collect donations from our many collection points across the district." 

Old Newtonians' Rugby FC - Green Capital Grant

Old Newtonians' Rugby FC was awarded a £3984 Green Capital Grant in December 2022 to replace its ageing and inefficient air ducted ceiling heaters with modern air conditioning units that act as heat pumps during the Winter. This was coupled with installing new loft insulation. The new heating/cooling system uses 80% less electricity to power thereby reducing the Club’s carbon footprint and energy costs. Adrienne Catcheside, Club Development Manager says:

“In these difficult times of rising fuel costs the Council’s Green Grant initiative has provided a lifeline to our club by enabling us to purchase a replacement for our ageing and expensive heating system with a modern cost-effective alternative simultaneously reducing bills and our carbon footprint”.

Enderby United Reformed Church - Capital Grant

Enderby United Reformed Church was awarded a £4000 Large Capital Grant in December 2022.  The church hall is a key community asset, hosting different community groups, social events and private functions, including birthday parties and wakes. At the time the church applied for a grant, the toilets had been installed 50 years prior and were in desperate need of refurbishment. The grant has enabled the church to install modern and fresh facilities for everyone to use, including a baby changing station. 

Judith North, Church Secretary, says: “This is an excellent way for people within the community to access funding for projects that are needed”.  

Gather Create Grow CIC - Capital Grant

Gather Create Grow was awarded a £500 Small Capital Grant in September 2023 to purchase shelving and storage boxes for the materials and items used for their community arts projects (such as Cosby Yarn Bomb), and groups. Natalie Smith, Director of the Community Interest Company, says: 

“The additional shelving and storage boxes enable us to store and locate materials and equipment efficiently. It frees up time for us to be more proactive in planning and delivering our community projects, therefore increasing our impact which is to improve individuals' wellbeing, help them to feel less isolated and bring communities together. The shelving was put together by two of our male volunteers, both from Cosby, who felt extremely proud to have been able to help with the project. An added bonus is that now we have more storage space, we are able to continue to accept donations of yarn from members of the public which helps environmentally, it’s not going into landfill and supports us financially.

It means a lot to us to have your support and that you see value in the community work we do. Evidence shows us that residents of Blaby District who participate in our creative projects have an increased sense of pride about where they live. Those that visit from outside the district say what a great sense of community spirit there is here!”

Children's Hospital Pyjamas - Revenue Grant

Children’s Hospital Pyjamas is a national charity that provides new pyjamas for children of all ages who arrive in hospital without them.  We awarded the charity £500 towards the cost of purchasing pyjamas for children in Leicester Royal Infirmary’s Children's Ward, Cardiac Unit and Mortuary, as well as Leicester General Hospital’s Neonatal Unit and the Rainbows Hospice. 

Ann Dunkley, Operations Manager, says: “We donate pyjamas to poorly and disadvantaged children in hospitals, hospices and refuges. Children may arrive in A&E having had their clothing damaged, or in situations when there hasn’t been time to pack essentials, or they simply don’t have any. They may have their own pyjamas but need a fresh pair due to illness or accident. Our donated pyjamas have also been used to dress children who have passed away, so their families see them looking comfortable and at peace.  Thank you so much for the grant – it allows us to continue our work within Leicestershire.” 

Glenfield Methodist Church (Warm Space) - Revenue Grant

Glenfield Methodist Church was awarded a £500 Revenue Grant to help towards the costs of running a Warm Space during the Winter months. The idea of a Warm Space is that they are open to all and offer a safe and welcoming place for people to gather, helping those who may be struggling to heat their own homes due to high energy costs. The Glenfield Methodist Church Warm Space provided hot drinks and soup, as well as promoting wellbeing and companionship.  

Jane Sowler, Warm Space Co-ordinator and Church Council Secretary says: “During the four months, we averaged 40 people per session (so around 600 visits). Since the project has ended, we have continued to invite people into our building each Monday for a two-hour coffee and chat session, which has also been well attended and gratefully received by those who come along. 

The whole event was a positive experience for those visiting and for those of us serving our community. We hope that this small action helped those who experience loneliness to find some comfort in meeting with others… and very much hope that BDC will be in a position to offer funding for the 2024-25 winter season.” 

Winstanley Wizards - Everyone Active Grant

Winstanley Wizards were awarded a £500 Everyone Active Grant in September 2023 to help them meet unexpected price rises at the premises they use. The club hires two halls, three times a week, so a price rise had a significant impact on club finances. The club has approximately 80 members (mainly juniors) and serves one of the most deprived parts of the district. They offer reasonable subs and a ‘pay as you go’ option to ensure accessibility.

John Greening, Honorary Treasurer, says: “These funds have helped our recovery. Maintaining stable finances is vital for us to continue providing a voluntary sporting structure for adults and especially young people.”

Blaby and District Spartans Inclusive Football Club - Everyone Active Grant

Blaby and District Spartans Inclusive Football Club was awarded a £500 Everyone Active grant through the Council’s community grants scheme in June 2023. The Club is committed to making football accessible and enjoyable to everyone and welcomes individuals with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, ADHD, Down's syndrome, social anxiety, severe asthma, autism, epilepsy, and hearing impairment.

Beth Russell, treasurer of the Club, tells us how they have spent the grant money in the last year:

 “We used the £500 grant to subsidise the pitch hire while we started our junior and youth provision, supporting children aged 6 - 16 with a range of additional needs to enjoy football. When we applied for the grant, we had a handful of regular players attending. Now we have 30 players regularly training, and next season our under 12s will be playing in their first league - the East Midlands Pan-Disability League.

"We support players with a range of additional needs to access football that they previously couldn't, increasing their confidence and social skills too. Parents feel they are less isolated and have met people going through similar diagnosis pathways.

"Without this invaluable grant the club would not have been able to get this provision off the ground but now it is self-sufficient.”

The Friday Social - Revenue Grant

The Friday Social started off the back of a Warm Space group that met in Braunstone Town during Winter 2022/23. Set up originally to improve the health and wellbeing of local residents struggling with high energy costs or feelings of isolation, regulars from the Warm Space wanted to keep on meeting beyond the Winter months. However, the group needed financial help with room hire, refreshment and insurance costs to be able to continue. The group received a £1000 Revenue Grant in June 2023 to do just that.

Lin Burrows, Chair of the Friday Social, says: “The grant scheme has been an amazing help to us. We would never have been able to carry on this long… without the money kindly given by Blaby District Council. We have been able to offer a meeting place for so many isolated people: to give them a chance to learn new crafts or skills, or just to sit and chat, play games or read a paper or book.

"The outcomes have been really positive: attendees enjoyed coming along so much that the group is continuing to meet each Friday. We’ve averaged 23 people each week and are continuing to get new people coming along. Thank you.”

Last updated 17 January 2025
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