Current Consultations

Throughout the year we consult with residents, business owners, visitors and stakeholders on a range of topics. These consultations can be found below when live, followed by results and findings from selected consultations.

Environmental Enforcement Policy

The current Environmental Health, Environmental Services & Community Services Enforcement and Compliance Policy runs from 2021 – 2024 and therefore is undergoing a review. As part of this process the Graffiti and Fly Posting Policy adopted in September 2012 has also been reviewed. The decision taken was to incorporate graffiti and fly posting into an appendix to the enforcement and compliance policy covering all of environmental crime.

We are now consulting on the proposed Environmental Health, Environmental Services & Community Services Enforcement and Compliance Policy 2025 – 2028. The consultation will run until Friday 16th August 2024 and all comments will be considered before any final decisions are reached. Please note that the Council will not be able to respond to individual comments.

Should you wish to comment on this proposed policy please use the SurveyMonkey link in the links panel below. The draft policy can be found in the downloads section below. 

Last updated 18 July 2024