Information about the Public Consultation for a Potential New Conservation Area in Braunstone Village


Blaby District Council is consulting on a potential new Conservation Area within the Braunstone Ravenhurst ward. We want to hear the views of residents, community groups, businesses and others with an interest in the area.

What is a Conservation Area?

Conservation Areas are designated by the local planning authority due to their special historic and architectural interest. In these areas, the preservation and enhancement of the existing townscape, alongside individual buildings, is of particular importance.

A Character Appraisal of the proposed Braunstone Village Conservation Area was undertaken by the Council. This highlighted the area’s historic, architectural, archaeological and townscape interest, which was considered sufficient to merit its protection.

A combined draft Management Plan has also been produced for the proposed new Conservation Area and the existing Conservation Area adjacent, which is located within the administrative area of Leicester City Council. The draft Management Plan sets out proposals and actions to preserve and enhance its special character.

Designation as a Conservation Area would impose additional controls on ‘Permitted Development’ rights (rights that allow certain works to be carried out without a planning application). These controls are set by national legislation. They would not prevent development from taking place but would help ensure it maintains and enhances the area’s special qualities.

In addition to the above, the Council is considering introducing ‘Article 4 Directions’ on specific properties in the area. These are additional restrictions which would mean most external works to those properties affected would require planning permission. Further information is set out in pages 15, 16 and 19 of the draft Management Plan.

Current Stage

A formal consultation on the potential Conservation Area is taking place between 4 June and 16 July 2024. The consultation documents are available to view below. A reference copy of the consultation documents is available to view during opening hours at Braunstone Civic Centre, Braunstone Town Library, and at the Council Offices.

A drop-in information session will be held at Shakespeare Park Sports Pavilion, Avon Road, Braunstone Town, LE3 3AB on Wednesday 3 July between 6pm-8pm. 

Consultation Responses

Responses can be made in writing via email to or by post to Development Strategy Team, Blaby District Council, Council Offices, Desford Road, Narborough, Leicestershire, LE19 2EP. Responses must be received no later than 5pm on 16 July 2024.

If you have any questions regarding the consultation, please contact us using the contact form link at the bottom of this page. For more information about how the Council uses your information, visit our data protection page.

Last updated 19 June 2024
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