Setting the Council Tax

About 57% of the council’s net revenue expenditure is paid for by government grant, retained business rates or from balances and reserves. The remaining 43% is raised through Council Tax.

The level of Council Tax is determined by the scale of the council’s spending plans (budget), the amount of grant received from the government and the size and makeup of the houses in the district (known as the Council Tax tax-base).

In addition to Blaby's share of the Council Tax, we also collect precepts on behalf of Leicestershire County Council, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority, and parish councils.


The council has set a Council Tax requirement of £6,311,930 for the financial year commencing 1 April 2023.

In arriving at this figure, we have taken into account the estimated amount of business rates income we can retain (£6.3m), New Homes Bonus Grant of £0.4 million, and other non-ring-fenced grants of £1.7 million.

We have set our share of the total Council Tax for a band D property at £183.65 which represents an increase of 2.99% or £5.33 per annum (equivalent o roughly 10 pence per week).

The band D Council Tax for other precepting authorities are as follows:

Leicestershire County Council: £1,525.46 (4.99% increase*)

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner: £273.23 (£15.00 equivalent to a 5.81% increase)

Combined Fire Authority: £79.29 (£5.00 equivalent to a 6.73% increase)

Average Parish Precept: £122.61

The total band D Council Tax set for Blaby District is, therefore, £2,061.63, excluding parish precepts.

* 2.0% of the County Council’s share of the Council Tax represents a contribution towards the cost of Adult Social Care.

View information on Council Tax bands and charges

Last updated 3 March 2023
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