Council to pay costs

Blaby District Council has revealed it must pay £94,111 in costs following the loss of the planning appeal for the Enderby Hub.
In July at a public hearing a government planning inspector reviewed the Council’s rejection of the initial application for the logistics complex at St Johns.
The site was identified for employment use in the Blaby District Local Plan, adopted in 2019.
However, Planning Committee members turned down the original outline application from Drummond Estate and Inverock Ltd at planning committee in October 2023.
Following the appeal the planning inspector overturned the refusal, granting permission for the hub. While the appeal decision was announced in September the costs, which will be paid to the developers, have only just been confirmed.
They are expected to be found from the Council’s reserves.
The hub includes plans for four warehouses, offices, gatehouses, and a potential education and training centre, with new access off Leicester Lane.
The 83-acre site is now being marketed for sale by the landowners.
Councillor Ben Taylor, Blaby District Council Portfolio Holder for Planning, said: "It is clearly disappointing that we must bear the brunt of these costs. Although the site was designated for employment use in our Local Plan, Blaby District Council’s Planning Committee initially refused the Enderby Hub application.
"However, this was overturned by the Planning Inspector, who then awarded costs to the applicant. The Planning Committee made their decision at the time and as a Council we have a duty to respect that decision and defend it."
Councillor Ben Taylor
Portfolio Holder for Planning