Appeal after tiny puppies abandoned

Blaby District Council is appealing for information after a litter of eight tiny puppies were dumped at an industrial estate in Enderby.
The puppies, barely two weeks old, were found on Monday 20 January on Quarry Lane by a driver from Castle Freight. He spotted a box as he was driving into the firm’s gates around lunchtime.
The cross-breed pups were first taken to a vet before being handed to the Council’s partners Animal Care Services.
Luckily the pups were found to be healthy, despite their trauma, and were taken to a rescue centre. New homes have already been found for them.
The callous incident has prompted an investigation by the Council with officers keen to hear from anyone who may be able to help.
Councillor Les Phillimore, Blaby District Council Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, said: "These poor animals have not had the best start in life, to be discarded like trash in near freezing temperatures just weeks after birth is nothing other than cruel and heartless. Thankfully they were found before any real harm could come to them and swift rescue action ensured their ordeal was limited. I’m delighted they are healthy and have been found new homes.
"The heartless abandonment, however, is not something that can be overlooked. We are appealing to anyone to get in touch who may have information as to the culprits or knows anything about the circumstances of the dumping. We take animal cruelty extremely seriously and will not hesitate to bring criminal charges should we uncover enough evidence."
Anyone who was in the area between 11.30am and 2.30pm on 20 January and saw anything unusual or perhaps has dashcam footage, CCTV or door camera footage of the location is asked to contact the Council. Depending on evidence gathered the Council could bring charges under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Please email the Licensing Department at
Councillor Les Phillimore
Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services